Monday, August 4, 2008

Back and chest acne and home remides for acne on teens fast

Using clay mask as a complimentary treatment for acne is quite effective in the treatment. It being an exfoliant means that it can remove dead skin cells from your skin's surface and thus reducing the chances of getting acne. To learn more about clay mask and its effects on acne, read on.
Zinc and fish oil have been used to cure skin diseases for hundreds of years. These findings supported by a lot of university and college students in Australia and the United States of America show the power in natural healing and natural products. With little to no side effects the benefits seem to far outweigh the disadvantages.
Finally, professional intervention is important because you do not want to undertake a course of treatment on your own that ends up causing you even more skin damage. Obviously, your goal in pursuing treatment of acne scars is to make your skin appear and actually become healthier. Therefore, professional assistance can be very important in accomplishing this goal.
tags: types of acne hard dry pimples, the over-all best acne treatment, good ways to get rid of acne fast
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